MommaVoz sees all...

...and then rants and raves about it here.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

don't you just love the beeb?

when he was young and charming

yeah, but he's a gazillionaire... please don't bring a lookalike home to momma

at a knicks game, he drunkenly mutters 'go arsenal'

So maybe you heard that Keith Richards fell out of a palm tree in Fiji - no one's saying why he climbed up that sucker, but he's apparently ok. Momma's glad that not only didn't the heroin kill him, he also survived some island fun.

But God bless the Queen, and the BBC:

"The legendary musician is mid-way through a world tour with the famous British band."
"Keith Richards has written some of the most famous guitar riffs in the world."

What insightful journalism!

meta comment to fellow and fellow-ette bloggers: you know how you're writing a post about someone and you want to add a zany picture so you google image the dude and have to search through 10,700 pics to find one shot where he appears to be on crack? well, when you do that with keith the challenge is to find one where he appears to be sane. yeah, i gave up.


Blogger teevoz said...

thought you might like that - the word isn't used enough

12:15 AM  

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