MommaVoz sees all...

...and then rants and raves about it here.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

oh yeah, the farmers

This will be short, because I am too goddamned tired to make it long. Why am I so tired? Because of the goddamned farmers. I mean, who exactly do they pay off to get this goddamned Daylight Savings thing not only in effect, but now in effect for a longer time than ever? I'm from New York. We don't have to get up early in the morning and tend the cows or sow the seeds or whatever the fuck it is that farmers have to do. We don't need extra hours of sunlight so that when we're out plowing the fields we can do it in the sun. We don't plow no stinkin' fields. Yeah, yeah, I know, "it's so nice to have an extra hour of daylight in the evening, blah blah, blah." Hey, genius, we get extra hours in the evening ANYWAY because the goddamn days are getting goddamned longer. Without an act of Congress forcing us to turn our clocks ahead and lose an hour of precious sleep. I hate Daylight Savings Time, I hate the farmers, I hate the government (well, I'd hate them even if they let us keep the real time like we have in the Fall). I love the Fall time change - an extra hour of sleep, you wake up at 8:00 (who am I kidding) and it feels like 9:00. Luxuriously well-rested, you face the day - with DAYLIGHT early in the morning - and yeah, it gets dark early, but that's what happens in the winter ANYWAY. But not this evil "daylight savings" - what daylight are they saving? When the clock says 7AM it feels like 6. In what universe is that good??????? Sorry, but I will be grumpy and out of sorts for days, weeks, thanks to the goddamn farmers. Please bear with me.

On a less testy (I hope) note: welcome, out here in public, to the inimitable, the inestimable, the ineffable Ms. LGAB, who has graced my little bloggeroo's comments with her presence... braving the waters,... joining mes deux enfants magnifiques who always keep me honest and true. (Except that Grandpa H. did not run whiskey from Montreal during Prohibition, not even on his motorcycle. More about Grandpa, no doubt, in posts to come.) Hope more of you will attempt to add clarity to my ravings. That means you, J. Aune.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh SHIT...this blog is HUGE!!!

"I don't really care how time is reckoned so long as there is some agreement about it, but I object to being told that I am saving daylight when my reason tells me that I am doing nothing of the kind. I even object to the implication that I am wasting something valuable if I stay in bed after the sun has risen. As an admirer of moonlight I resent the bossy insistence of those who want to reduce my time for enjoying it. At the back of the Daylight Saving scheme I detect the bony, blue-fingered hand of Puritanism, eager to push people into bed earlier, and get them up earlier, to make them healthy, wealthy and wise in spite of themselves." —Robertson Davies, The Diary of Samuel Marchbanks

11:15 AM  
Blogger teevoz said...

Yes, yes, yes! Robertson Davies gets it. Totally right, particularly surprising for a Canadian. Thank you, Shook, for sharing that - even though he takes a swipe at your (not mine!) forebears. Even more, thanks for the push!

Now you know why I haven't yet had a chance to weigh in about Sops #4 over on your amazing eponymity but that also may be because I thought it was a really odd ep that was like a plane in a holding pattern, neither here nor there. But I'm still thinkin'.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that episode may have been a holding pattern, but it was great. sops goes 6fu. and that scene with hesh!

i have not shared my commentary over on shook because i am lazy, which is also why i have not posted recently on this here blog. which is a pretty amazing blog. fuck the farmers indeed; here in the bridge, they should call this shit "murky, drizzling cloud-cover savings time".

also, just sayin, hy OBVIOUSLY smuggled bathtub whiskey across the border, strapped to his shins beneath his argyle sock, perilously close to the whirring engine of the motorcycle his slaves built for him, casually smoking an "unfiltered cigarette" filled with delicious canadian...tobacco. imm and i must get our narcotic tendencies from somewhere, and it ain't morris!

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

[[that is to say, it may have been a holding pattern - though i think the copious violence and family issues among and between the barones and the gualtieris advanced the plot a little! - but the season needed a meditative, metaphysical break after all the shit that's gone down in the last few weeks. skip's just getting used to reality. he feels uneasy in his life, and we're supposed to feel sorta uneasy too.]]

3:44 PM  
Blogger teevoz said...

hmm, yeah, good point about needing a meditative break ... man, those first 3 eps i was literally sitting on the edge of my seat, heart-thumping...

as for your grandfather - those chesterfields were chesterfields, but the rye was pure canadian...

4:30 PM  
Blogger teevoz said...

thank you, my child

10:00 PM  

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