MommaVoz sees all...

...and then rants and raves about it here.

Monday, September 25, 2006

jewhoo out of service; "Famous Jews Interactive" is here!

Complete with categories. Lots of them. Jewhoo has at least temporarily bit the dust (replaced by a blog) - but seems to fill the void. (Famous Heebz dot com? What a name.)


Paula Abdul is a Sephardic Jew. I'll be damned.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

hold the press - MOLFW

OK, so I found another one - Momma's OTHER Latest Favorite Website, and it's a doozy. Just in time for 5767.

First of all, I've known for 35 years, since I first went to England, that British Jews are a little odd and very different from American Jews, at least the ones from New York where we rarely feel like we're a minority. They must feel kind of isolated. (We do have JDate here, but why else so many UK Jewish dating sites?)

But this compendium of all things Jewish for Brits is quite something. Lots of interesting links in here, like (hey, some of us should sign up!) and "ask the rabbi" and the unbelievable ("All the Jews as it Happens...All the Jews Fit to Print" - could anyone else get away with that??)

But here's one link you won't want to miss. Does it really say this??

"Where are Jew Now?" Uhh...

Interesting fact-lets, and then .... BOOM .... Paula Abdul is Jewish?? I have to go over to Jewhoo for confirmation! (Abdul??)

Zie gezunt.

L'shana tova; MLFW

Happy new year to my faithful, and not so faithful, readers. This doesn't rise to "Book of Life" atonement-level, but I do resolve to be here more frequently, and hope you will too.

So.... for my first entry of 5767, I am introducing a new MVsa feature:

Momma's Latest Favorite Website or MLFW.

Today's is which is pretty much what it sounds like. I've yet to actually post anything, but I did find something I was looking for, and this site looks like it has potential.

Feel free to suggest others...

And now let's watch Bill Clinton demolish Chris Wallace again - it's great.

(Hey, can someone with a computer manufactured sometime after Clinton was President tell me if that worked??)