MommaVoz sees all...

...and then rants and raves about it here.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Labor day (plus one)

Fellowette's post got me thinking, and singing... and yes, I remember this verbatim and will sing it for you the next time I see you:

"Look for the union label
when you are buying your coat, dress or blouse.
Remember somewhere
our union's sewing
our wages going
to feed the kids and run the house...
We work hard, but who's complaining.
Thanks to the I-L-G we're paying our way....
So always look for the union label.
It says we're able to make it in the U.S.A."

Ask your parents, kids.

This was more popular where I grew up than the Star Spangled Banner.

Remember when we wouldn't eat grapes? Viva Chavez! (not Hugo)

I typed those lyrics from memory, but then I found this, and I present it to you a day late:


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