MommaVoz sees all...

...and then rants and raves about it here.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sean Patrick Maloney for AG?

I've been getting email from Sean Patrick Maloney who seems to be running for the Democratic nomination for NY Attorney General. I don't know how they got my email address, and up until today I just deleted the notes without reading 'em because they come in html and my old email system doesn't like html and I haven't cared enough to bother to look for a link to be able to actually read the stuff.... anyway, today I did.

So who is Sean Patrick Maloney and how likely am I to vote for him?

Here's the way I see it on quick glance:

Irish: -25 points

not Jewish: 0 (would be -25 points but I don't want to be unfair, considering I already took off 25 for being Irish, and no, I'm not prejudiced, I just think we need more Jews in government especially with Mel Gibson out there reminding everyone that we control the world - we may as well actually control the world)

openly gay with adopted, interracial children: +50 points

former COO of "Kiodex, Inc., a Warburg Pincus portfolio company that provides risk management solutions to the commodities derivatives markets": ok, I know what risk management is because I used to work for one of those, and I have some idea of what a portfolio is, but you lose me on "commodities derivatives" which doesn't even sound grammatical, so I will have to say: -30 points on principle, subject to losing further points when I find how what the fuck that actually means and I probably won't like it

corporate lawyer: -30 points

also represents family of Matthew Shepard: +30 points, fair is fair

worked in Clinton White House as youngest and only gay staff something or other: +/- 10 points depending on if he asked or told

can't really tell what his positions are if you read his website: what else is new

endorsed by: OY, um, no one? +20 points, let's give this guy a chance

WHOA! is on leave from "the New York-based law firm Willkie Farr & Gallagher,where former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo’s father, is a partner.": And he's running against Andrew? Hmmmmmmmm: +10 points because it could become interesting

chances of winning around 0%: +25 points, I have a long and sad history of usually voting for the loser (R.I.P., Eugene McCarthy.)

So, I don't know what Sean's positions are, or when the primary is, or where they got my email address from, but I kinda like the guy.

Anyone want to update me? Yo, it's.. still stumping for Mark Green?