"When I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong."

No, not Lennie Briscoe. Dirty Dancing. Jennifer "Baby" Grey's doctor father, lamely apologizing to Patrick Swayze for completely misjudging him. (Of course I don't think he actually says he's wrong, but that's another post....) And, attentive offspring in the audience, the above is the actual quote, not the version that lives in family lore. I looked it up.
So PP returned home triumphant. Case dismissed. Didn't even have to tell his story to the judge. The officer didn't show, no surprise. But usually it has been our experience that the judge gives these defenders of the peace at least one more chance and reschedules the hearing - or - sometimes they offer an opportunity for the defendant to plea bargain and pay a usurious, but point-free, fine. Which PP was angling for. Which I scoffed at, saying there was no defense and they would throw the book at him. But whaddya know, the "alleged" offense took place on the Saw Mill River Parkway, and hence was not town, but county. And you need a county chochem to negotiate a plea. But none was there. So.... case dismissed. No fine, no points, no hearing, no nothing. Rumor has it that PP considered riding off on Dollar the horse - hail the conquering hero - but instead drove (within the speed limit I am sure) home.
So this is where I get to quote that sharp-dressing 80s disco-dancing doctor.
"When I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong."
ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: the picture is from Jerry's no-doubt memorable 1980 appearance as Lars Mangros in the "Space Rockers" episode of the forgettable (well, I've forgotten it) tv show, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. There do not seem to be any pictures on the net - NONE - of Jerry in Dirty D.. Perhaps ye of bigger bandwidth can find one and send me the link. I give up.